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The six previous EdF graphite conferences have been primarily held to showcase the high level of supportive technical and scientific work which has allowed the British Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors (AGRs) to operate to lifetimes well beyond those originally envisaged. Six high-quality peer-reviewed publications have resulted. This work continues in support of continued operation of the reactors.

All Magnox reactors and some of the AGRs are now in a decommissioning programme and there is a need to devise appropriate dismantling procedures and management of radioactive material, including the moderator and reflector graphite. The theme of this conference will include the work on the disposal of UK nuclear graphite which accounts for 1/3 total inventory worldwide.

Also looking ahead, we can envisage the large experience of UK designers and engineers in contributing to the next generation of Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs), where designs based either upon the principle of the high-temperature reactor or the molten-salt reactor will utilise nuclear graphite as reflector and/or moderator and, in the case of the HTRs, a stream of carbonaceous waste will be produced from the fuel.

We therefore invite contributions in all nuclear-graphite areas (decommissioning, continued operation and future reactors) and look forward to welcoming many scientists and engineers working in the field to Manchester!

Presentations are therefore invited in the following ‘nuclear graphite’ categories:

  • Maximising AGR Lifetime
  • Decommissioning Planning and Experience in Graphite-Moderated Reactors
  • Deploying Experience for the Next Generation of Reactors


will be of 20-25 minutes duration.


Abstract submission is now closed: all submitted abstracts have been accepted for inclusion in the conference.
At least one author MUST register for each submitted abstract, and all those intending to register are asked to do so as quickly as possible and before the published date of April 12th, after which registration will be subject to an additional administration charge


All presentations will hopefully be supported by a technical paper intended for peer-review and publication, as in previous EdF conferences. Papers will be subjected to a thorough independent peer review before being accepted for publication: the publication will be in the style of the previous conference proceedings, published by FESI following the 2018 conference in Kendal. A template for full papers is also provided and, again, they should be sent by e-mail attachment in Word format to


Moderated discussions have been a fruitful feature of previous conferences, and we hope to include similar activities in the 2024 programme.


There will be a conference dinner on Wednesday evening, 8th May (dress code business casual) – this will be held at “Malmaison”, adjacent to the Piccadilly Railway Station (5-minute walk from the conference centre).

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